LeslieGroves WEB RES 0078


Residential Care Fees

There are two ways the fees for Residential Care are paid - privately funded or government subsidised.

Privately Funded

If your realisable assets are more than the current allowable level you are required to pay the full residential care fee yourself. As at 1 July 2023 the allowable level is:

Single Person: $273,628

  • Married Couple where both are in long term residential care: $273,628
  • Married Couple where one is in long term residential care. Either:
  • Combined total assets excluding your family home, car and up to $10,000 pre-paid funeral: $149,845
  • Combined total assets including the value of your house and car: $273,628

Government Subsidy

You will be eligible for a Government subsidy if:

  • Your realisable assets are less than the figures above - and
  • You are 65 years or older or if younger, have a specific exemption to this requirement -and
  • You have been assessed by a Needs Assessor or Social Worker as requiring long term residential care

If you meet the above criteria, the Southern District Health Board pays a subsidy and this combined with your National Superannuation covers the full cost of your care.

Premium Accommodation Charges

Throughout our facility we have several rooms which Leslie Groves may levy an additional payment, Premium Accommodation Charge, for residents choosing one. These rooms attract an additional Premium Accommodation Charge of between $11 and $30.00 per day (including GST). These charges are current as at 1 July 2023.

Further details of Premium Accommodation Charges will be included in your admission package and we encourage you to discuss these with our administration team.